HUD is offering hands-on group learning and individualized technical assistance (TA) to multifamily assisted housing owners and management agents to help implement Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) programs. The TA will include coaching, education and hands-on guidance from an expert in FSS program implementation over a nine-month period. This TA will help housing providers successfully develop the program framework, access needed resources and launch their FSS programs.
Interested parties should complete the request for interest and application by October 8, 2019. HUD will host a webinar on September 25 from 2:00-3:00 pm EDT to provide an overview of the FSS program and respond to questions about the TA opportunity. Register here.
FSS is a HUD program that provides incentives and supports to help families living in multifamily assisted housing increase their earned income and reduce their dependence on public assistance programs. FSS promotes the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of HUD rental assistance programs with public and private resources, to enable eligible families to make progress toward economic independence and self-sufficiency.