The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) rescheduled the public hearing for its proposed regulation changes to September 11 at 1:30 pm CDT at the State Treasurer’s Office Building 915 Capitol Mall, Room 587 Sacramento, CA 95814. A live streaming of the public hearing will be available here.

Interested persons wishing to express their views on the proposed regulation changes may do so at either the public hearing, or may submit written comments to the CTCAC by email to and by 5 pm PDT on September 16, 2019. To allow all interested persons a reasonable opportunity to express their views, the Committee encourages the submission of written testimony. The hearing itself will consist of two sequential portions. The first portion will consist of CTCAC staff summarizing the proposed substantive changes and answering clarifying questions regarding those proposed changes. The second portion will be the formal hearing wherein comments on the proposed regulation changes will be taken for the record. Oral remarks may be limited to no longer than five minutes per person.