The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) posted the final draft of its 2020-2021 QAP. The QAP will be presented to the Multifamily Committee of the OHFA Board on September 11. The meeting will be held at OHFA in the Roger McCauley Board Room at 10 am EDT. With recommendation from the Multifamily Committee, the QAP will then be presented to the full OHFA Board for approval on September 18. The Board meeting will be held at OHFA in the Roger McCauley Board Room at 10:30 am EDT.

OHFA will hold a public hearing regarding the 2020-2021 QAP on, September 11 from noon – 1 pm EDT in the Roger McCauley Board Room. Comments may be submitted in writing independent of the hearing and will be considered equally by OHFA. Comments must be received by September 11 and may be submitted to [email protected].