HUD opened registration for its new National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) Demonstration. Public Housing Agencies (PHA) and Property Owners/Agents (POA) across the U.S. are welcome to register; however, HUD will begin the selection process with properties from Region III and will continue until a nationwide representative group is chosen. HUD’s Region III encompasses Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.

PHAs and POAs will receive acceptance or rejection notification separately from the confirmation that their application has been received.  Acceptance notifications will contain additional information such as terms and conditions of participation, and the process and implications of withdrawing from the Demonstration. HUD anticipates that the first-round of Demonstration participants will be selected by September 2019.

PHAs and POAs are encouraged to register one or multiple properties for acceptance into the Demonstration but there is no requirement to submit all properties within a portfolio.  Submission of an application does not constitute acceptance into the program nor does it obligate the PHA or POA in any way.  Once accepted into the Demonstration, participants may voluntarily withdraw any or all properties at anytime.

NH&RA encourages all eligible PHAs, owners and agents to participate in the NSPIRE demonstration. Properties will be given an advisory NSPIRE score and the most recent UPCS score will remain on the books. NSPIRE demonstration participants will have the opportunity to shape the new REAC inspection protocol and to prepare in advance of the mandatory changes. For questions, please submit an email to: [email protected].