Barbara Jordan II is a housing development in Upper South Providence which includes 26 two- and three-story apartment buildings situated on scattered sites totaling 2.75 acres. The 26 buildings contain a total of 74 apartments, all of which are currently vacant.

The RFP from Rhode Island Housing (RIHousing) requires that the selected developer(s) commit to a minimum of 74 apartments that are affordable to low-income residents. The RFP includes scoring criteria that reflects community input like requiring a minimum percentage of work to be completed by local minority and women contractors and incentives for long term affordability periods. Additionally, developers will be awarded points if they propose to serve households experiencing homelessness, have special needs or who have an income less than 30 percent of the Area Median Income ($22,100 for a household of three, per HUD FY2019 income limits).

In addition to the staff from RIHousing, the review committee will be comprised of representatives from the following funding organizations: City of Providence, the Providence Housing Authority, the Housing Resources Commission, RI Local Initiative Support Corporation and a former senior executive of Enterprise Community Investment with extensive community development experience.

The deadline to submit a proposal is 5 pm EDT, Friday August 30, 2019. Visit to see the key findings and feedback from the Community Engagement Process or to access the RFP.