The Ohio Housing Finance Agency released the draft 2020-2021 Urban Suburban Rural (USR) Opportunity Map for use in 2020 and 2021 funding rounds for review and comment. This iteration of the opportunity map reflects updated data for the 15 included indicators, as well as removal and/or replacement of several indicators that were included in the 2018-2019 version. If you would like more information on the changes made, or if you would like to share your feedback on the draft opportunity map, please email [email protected].

The Opportunity Mapping Tools is a product of a collaborative effort between the Ohio Housing Finance Agency and the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University to support affordable housing development for households and families and to advance the goals of the Annual Plan, including promoting strategies that advance and promote compliance with the Fair Housing Act. The Opportunity index utilizes a number of indicators to identify the many dimensions of strong, vibrant and healthy communities and will be used to identify areas of opportunity, particularly regarding the siting of family housing, in Ohio. Analyzing differences in access to opportunity structures is in alignment with state and federal initiatives to further Fair Housing, deconcentrate poverty and maximize equitable outcomes for low-income households.