The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) is soliciting comments for changes to the current allocation plan for the GOAL Program, referred to as the Rating Criteria and Award Plan (QAP). Any changes will become effective during the FY 2020 GOAL Cycle. The QAP currently covers the allocation of four funding sources, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, the HOME Investment Partnership Program, the National Housing Trust Fund, and the Senior Citizens Housing Development Fund. GOAL Program funding is designed to provide affordable housing for lower income households, seniors and special needs populations.
AHFC is interested in comments on all aspects of the current QAP. Potential changes under consideration by AHFC include:
- Re-evaluating the scoring incentives and thresholds for Solar Photovoltaic energy systems;
- Removing the scoring incentives for Solar Thermal and Geothermal energy systems;
- Specifying unit-rounding and scoring conventions for fractional values;
- Re-evaluation of scoring weights and ranges used to assign points;
- Other changes to ranking criteria used in the FY 2019 round based on public comments and staff recommendations.
AHFC will hold a public teleconference on April 10, 2019 from 3-5 pm AKDT to solicit comments regarding this notice. Persons may attend the public hearing in person at AHFC’s headquarters (4300 Boniface Parkway Anchorage, AK 99504) in the first-floor boardroom or via telephone at 1-877-668-4493, access code 920 610 066.
Comments must be submitted via e-mail to Andy Petroni at no later than 5 pm AKDT on April 26, 2019.