2018 annual compliance reporting (Owner Annual Certification and Resident Data) is due Feb. 15 by 4:30 pm CT in the Housing Credit Management System (HCMS). All extension requests must be submitted by a member of the ownership entity before the deadline. Extension requests between 1-5 days will incur a one-time $500 fee, extension requests between 6-30 days will incur a $200 per day fee and extension requests over 30 days will incur a $6,000 fee.
Extensions should be submitted to the compliance coordinator responsible for each property. Extensions requested for non-THDA technical issue may be subject to a Significant Adverse Event as described in Section 6 of the 2019-2020 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP).
For all HCMS technical issues, please contact Mark Cantu, mcantu@thda.org or 615-815-2218.
For property specific issues, please contact Chuck O’Donnell, codonnell@thda.org or 615-815-2215 or the coordinator responsible for the specific property. If your property is not listed on the coordinator portfolio assignment, please contact Chuck O’Donnell.