WHEDA is now accepting additional applications for the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF).
Eligible properties include, but are not limited to, approved 4% state and federal Housing Tax Credit projects, and projects with pending applications for federal 4% Housing Tax Credits.
WHEDA will not accept HTF applications at this time for projects that will be submitting 4% state Housing Tax Credit applications in January 2019. WHEDA must commit HTF resources by May of 2019 – 2019 state Housing Tax Credits will be awarded through a competitive process in the Spring of 2019. So, it is possible that an application would qualify for an HTF award, but not qualify for a state Housing Tax Credit award – which would not allow sufficient time for WHEDA to re-deploy the HTF proceeds before the May 2019 deadline.
HTF applications must be delivered to WHEDA’s Madison office, or be postmarked, no later than November, 26, 2018. Application materials can be found on https://www.wheda.com/Developers/National-Housing-Trust-Fund/.