Please join us for a meeting for organizations interested in a new funding opportunity to support the creation of affordable supportive transitional housing.

At this meeting we will discuss the process for awarding funding made available pursuant to House Bill 1817 of the 2018 New Hampshire Legislative Session. Housing created with these funds must serve people leaving mental health and substance use disorder treatment facilities.

Teams made up of organizations with expertise in development, management, and service delivery are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting and apply for this financing. Fast-track financial predevelopment assistance to help foster the development of cooperative initiatives will be discussed at this meeting.

The meeting will be held on September 20th at the offices of New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, 32 Constitution Drive, Bedford NH 03110 from 2PM to 4PM. Follow signs for the East Entrance.

Registration is required; please contact Jess McCarthy at no later than Sunday, September 16th. Please include full name and company/organizational affiliation in the email.