Affordable/Market Rent Differential Points:
As noted in the LIHTC Program Updates memorandum dated July 30, 2018, applicants seeking Affordable/Market Rent Differential points will be required to name up to three comparable market-rate properties so that the market analyst can assist MSHDA with verifying the rents being charged at the comparable properties and determine whether the proposed development will receive the points. MSHDA is asking that all applicants that are seeking the Affordable/Market Rent Differential points in the 10/1/2018 LIHTC Funding Round send the three comparable market-rate properties to MSHDA as soon as possible.
Please e-mail the three comparable properties to Chad Benson at Applicants that are not seeking the Affordable/Market Rent Differential Points are not required to submit comparable properties for this analysis. If you have any questions with this, please feel free to call Chad Benson at 517-373-3433 or e-mail at
Due to our new security protocol, the receptionists are no longer located in the lobby. To speed things up, we recommend that when dropping off funding round applications, you bring an extra copy of the front cover of your application that can be date-stamped in the lobby and used as your receipt.