On August 28, the California Legislature has passed a measure (SB 1227) that would require cities and counties to grant a 35 percent density bonus when an applicant for a housing development of five or more units seeks and agrees to construct a project that will contain at least 20 percent of the total units for lower-income students in a student housing development. All units the student housing development must be used exclusively for undergraduate, graduate or professional students enrolled full time at an institution of hieher education. The applicable 20 percent units will be used for lower income students, defined as students that have a household income and asset level that does not exceed Cal Grant A or B award recipients. Eligibility is defined as students with a household income and asset level that does not exceed the level for Cal Grant A or B award recipients. The units shall be subject to a recorded affordability restriction of 55 years. The measure also requires the development to provide a priority for the applicable affordable units for lower income students experiencing homelessness. At time of press, the measure still is awaiting signature from the Governor.