The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will hold a mini-competition in October 2018 for certain highly-ready-to-proceed rental production projects.

  • Projects must be affordable or affordable/mixed-income family housing.
  • Projects must also meet the definition of production in the 2018-19 QAP (project must be new units).
  • Projects must be supported by significant levels of non-state resources (which may include municipal resources).

The NOFA on DHCD’s website has the full details.

DHCD will hold a public hearing on July 20, 2018, at 10:00 a.m., to amend the current tax credit Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) to incorporate the mini-competition guidelines.  The hearing will be held in the Department’s offices on the second floor of 100 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114.  If you wish to attend the hearing, please contact Mary Morales at 617-573-1308 or [email protected].

For further information on the guidelines/NOFA, please contact Kate Racer (617-573-1322 or [email protected]) or Rebecca Frawley Wachtel at DHCD (617-573-1318 or [email protected]).  Please note that DHCD intends to further amend the current QAP at a later date to reflect recent federal changes to the tax credit program.