The Arizona Department of Housing has opened its public comment period for the 2019 QAP. The Department is particularly interested in how to incentivize a wider disbursement of LIHTC properties. During the 2018 QAP comment period, the Department had indicated its intent to limit the number of LIHTC properties situated within close proximity to other LIHTC properties. However, the Department is now considering potential scoring mechanisms that will incentivize dispersal of tax credit projects into a broader geographical area to avoid a clustering of projects in a relatively concentrated area.

The first draft of the QAP is expected by August 3 and will be released on the Department’s website here. In order for comments to be considered in the first draft of the 2019 QAP, provide written comments by July 13, 2017 at 5:00 pm via letter or email to either of the following addresses:

By Mail:

Jeanne Redondo
Rental Programs Administrator
Arizona Department of Housing
1110 W. Washington Street, Ste. 280
Phoenix, AZ 85007
By E-Mail: (Please note that is no longer a valid email address.)