MSHDA will hold four Public Hearings on May 4, 2018 to take comments on the Draft 2019-2020 Qualified Allocation Plan. The Public Hearing Notice has been posted to the “QAP Public Hearing May 2018” page of the MSHDA website:,4641,7-141-5587_5601-466738–,00.html

The Draft 2019-2020 QAP and related documents are forthcoming, and will be provided well in advance of the public hearings.  We anticipate the documents being posted to the MSHDA web site next week, and an e-mail notification will be sent when they are available.

If the link above does not work, go to, click on Developers, then select Low Income Housing Tax Credit. On the main LIHTC page, you will find the “QAP Public Hearing May 2018” link under the Events section.

Parking information for the May 4, 2018 Public Hearing in Lansing:

Parking will not be available in the main MSHDA parking lot for the Focus Group on April 4, 2018.

A limited amount of off-site parking has been arranged at Stober’s Lounge (directions below).  Once the parking at Stober’s is full, you will need to park on the streets.


Stober’s is located ½ block east of MSHDA on the opposite side of the street.  Vehicles should enter the parking lot and begin parking on the left (east) side of the lot away from the building, filling the lot as necessary.

*The lot is unlined so drivers should attempt to park close enough to each other to leave room for additional vehicles.

(Drivers should head directly to the Stober’s Lounge lot – otherwise they will be asked to exit the MSHDA employee lot upon their arrival.)