William Leach of Kingdom Development has proposed a 9% tax credit tiebreaker framework focused on maximizing public benefit per dollar of scarce resource, with various adjustments to account for geography, project type, etc.  The San Diego Housing Commission is working with TCAC and Kingdom Development to further explore this critical issue for affordable housing development.  While TCAC is taking no position on this proposal and makes clear that it will not be considered for the fall 2018 regulation change cycle, staff nonetheless is interested in hearing feedback on the proposal.  To solicit such feedback, TCAC invites you to two public forums to be held:

Thursday, March 22
1:30-4 pm
Fox Courts Community Room
555 19th St, Oakland,
Near 19th Street BART
Nearest parking at San Pablo Parking Lot

Friday, March 23
10am-12:30 pm
Ronald Reagan State Office Building Auditorium
300 S. Spring Street, Los Angeles

Made available is a brief statement from William Leach regarding his proposal and instructions for participating in live polling during the forums.

TCAC encourages your participation in these public forums and your feedback on the proposal generally.