Minnesota Housing is offering online and in-person sessions for you to learn more about Minnesota Housing’s 2020 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), which will govern how 2020 Housing Tax Credits are awarded to developments. The QAP is published a year in advance of applications being due to give communities and developers sufficient time to effectively align their applications with the allocation plan. Information will be released in late February with more details on proposed 2020 QAP changes.

Register now for:

QAP 101 Webinar: If you’re new to the Housing Tax Credit and QAP process, attend this Webinar on Friday, March 2 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. The Webinar includes a general overview of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program and a brief summary of proposed 2020 QAP changes. Register by noon on March 1.

2020 QAP In-Person Session: Attend an in-person session on Monday, March 5 from 2:00–3:00 p.m. at Minnesota Housing. The session gives those involved in multifamily housing development the opportunity to discuss the potential changes to the 2020 QAP, and to provide feedback on how the 2020 QAP will impact a Housing Tax Credit application. Register by noon on March 2.

For questions please contact Tamara Wilson at [email protected] or 651.296.4451.