In April 2017, the fully functioning CNA e-Tool was released and available to test drive on a voluntary basis. Since then, HUD has released the following mandatory dates for CNA e-Tool usage:
- November 1, 2017 for FHA multifamily mortgage insurance applications processed by Office of Multifamily Housing Production staff.
- February 1, 2018 for Rental Assistance Demonstration conversions that are conventionally financed, not FHA insured; 10-year update capital needs assessments for FHA-insured multifamily properties; and other asset management milestones, such as partial payment of claims, processed by Multifamily Offices of Recapitalization and Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight staff. The tool is available now for these purposes on a voluntary basis.
Resources and Support
To support this growing number of users, HUD’s Office of Multifamily continues to train staff and the CNA e-Tool team has provided the following:
- 24 trainings this summer and fall for about 345 total lenders and needs assessors at 10 HUD offices nationwide.
- Half-day training sessions in Denver and Chicago this fall for about 200 lenders and needs assessors at the Western and Midwestern Lender Conferences.
- 19 recorded webinars and tutorials providing step-by-step instructions are available for online viewing. Collectively, these how-to videos have almost 900 views.
- The Ask A Question feature where anyone can post inquiries. Responses will be published in an upcoming FAQ document. Since implementation, 227 questions have been submitted and answered.
- Reorganization of the CNA e-Tool homepage based on user categories for ease of use.
- Manuals and instruction guides covering a wide range of issues to increase the likelihood of submitting error-free applications; please refer to these resources as you work with the tool.
- Operational bulletins and the “Known Issues & Solutions” document that provide important updates and the latest instructions. Sign up here to receive the bulletin emails.
- Deposit Test Tool is coming soon for lenders to use in conjunction with the e-Tool. This will allow lenders to more easily test the deposit amounts to the reserves for replacement account for compliance with the MAP Guide.
You may contact HUD’s Office of Multifamily with any questions regarding the CNA eTool here.