The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee recently published final regulation changes after having considered public comments. The changes will be considered for adoption by the Committee on December 13. Changes include:
- Several revisions to conform with recent legislation (AB571) implementing the Farmworker State Credit.
- High Resource Areas:
- Withdraw proposed housing type goal for large family new construction in low opportunity areas, instead implementing a 30% housing type goal for large family new construction in high resource areas for 2019
- Implement this year 8 points for large family new construction projects located in high or highest resource areas
- Hybrid projects may submit a single combined market study
- California Utility Allowance Calculator: rehab projects must show energy efficiency improvements of at least 20% or solar that decreases utility loads by at least 50% in order to utilize the CUAC.
- 9% Tiebreaker Score for Hybrid Projects: public funds from total development costs of both the 9% and 4% portions of a hybrid project will be used in determining a 9% tiebreaker score.
- Private loans backed by HUD’s Title VI Loan Guarantee Program as public funds
See CTCAC’s enumerated list for a full detailing of all changes as well as public comments and the agency’s responses.