Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is placing a greater emphasis on strategic planning and the way we invest our resources. Over the past several years we have been restructuring, refocusing and reimagining our department. Our work has led to a greater emphasis on data, research and customer service. In 2017, we are carrying that effort forward with the development of the Statewide Housing Plan, which will set a data driven, long-term plan to address affordable housing need in Oregon.

The Statewide Housing Plan includes an assessment of housing need in Oregon, down to the county level. OHCS has been sharing that housing need data with communities across the state this fall, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions. A current list of planned outreach meetings is available online.

While we are unable to visit every county, OHCS is pleased to offer a webinar opportunity to engage with the Statewide Housing Plan process and provide feedback on our housing need data.

The Statewide Housing Plan outreach webinar will be offered on November 16th at 11:30 a.m. Please visithttps://register.gotowebinar.com/register/832525301749036290 to register.

For any additional questions or comments on the Statewide Housing Plan, please contact Shoshanah Oppenheim at 503-400-2787 or [email protected].