THDA has posted its 2017 Final Application on its website, which can be found here.  THDA notes several changes in the 2017 Application that developers should be aware of, including:

  1. The Post Build Enterprise Green Certification requirement, please see the memo that was previously posted.
  2. There are questions that have been added regarding previous award of credits (Page 4, Item 6)
  3. Attachment 30 has been modified to Attachment 30A and Attachment 30B to compensate for the different certification items (i.e., Energy Efficiency items) based on specific year QAP’S.
  4. The removal of the Identification of Credit Period Form as that information is collected on another form.

THDA maintains an open cycle for the submission of final applications and a December 1 deadline for all properties. IRS Forms 8609 are mailed at the conclusion of the final application review.  If your property will place in service and will start their federal credit period during  2017, they will need to submit a final application in 2017.