On December 1, 2016, the Donation Tax Credit passed out of the Senate with a vote of 54-0. Next, the bill will go to Governor Rauner’s desk for signature.

Since its passage in 2001, the Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credit has:

  • Motivated the donation of $360 million in assets like land, buildings, and long term leases from private sources to affordable housing development in Illinois.
  • Provided key financing for property-tax paying developments representing over $3.3 billion invested in 51 of 59 Illinois State Senate Districts.
  • Preserved or created over 17,000 homes stabilizing seniors, families, veterans and people with disabilities in communities across Illinois.
  • Supported more than 25,000 jobs with over $1 billion in wages and business income.

Learn more about the DTC by viewing the Chicago Rehab Network fact sheet here.

Questions? Contact Emma Heemskerk at [email protected].