The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee will hold 4 public hearings from October 4-7 to discuss changes to the QAP. Some of the QAP Changes include:
- To address the significant over-allocation of state credits, create a second supplemental set-aside in an amount to be set by the Executive Director annually. Section 10315. Page 2.
- To address the over-allocation of state credits, prohibit awards of state credits to additional 9% projects after the allocation amount is reached but consider all remaining projects eligible for state credits as DDA projects. Section 10317(c). Page 7.
- To address the over-allocation of state credits, require special needs projects seeking state credits in addition to the 30% DDA basis boost to maximize basis except as specified. Section 10317(d). Page 8.
- For 2018 and beyond staff proposes to alter how rental assistance is valued for purposes of both point scoring and the tiebreaker. Section 10325(c)(1)(C). Page 23.
- Eliminate the ability for applicants with projects exceeding the high cost test to petition the committee for special consideration. Section 10325(d). Page 39.
- Prohibit new construction, large-family, competitive tax credit projects in areas of low-opportunity unless the project is part of a concerted community revitalization program involving the local government and significant investment outside of the project. Section 10325(g)(1)(J). Page 49.
- Require a 9% resyndication project to provide a similar level of services as to what was required under the previous regulatory agreement and allow waivers under specified circumstances. Section 10325(i)(11)(A). Page 52.
- Require resyndication applicants to demonstrate in their capital needs assessment that the project has a rehabilitation need of $20,000 per unit within the next seven years. Section 10326(g)(7). Page 54.
- Require a 4% resyndication project to provide a similar level of services as to what was required under the previous regulatory agreement and allow waivers under specified circumstances. Section 10326(g)(8). Page 55.
- For 9% new construction projects only, increase the maximum base developer fee in cost to $2.2 million and then adjust the maximum developer fee limit to reflect a project’s cost efficiency using the same test employed for the high-cost threshold. Section 10327(c)(2). Page 57.
- Provide a 10% threshold basis limit increase for projects in high-opportunity areas, as defined. Section 10327(c)(5)(F). Page 63.
- After TCAC has awarded all state credits available for 9% projects, designate the remaining 9% applications seeking state credits as DDA projects. Section 10327(d)(3). Page 68.
Meetings are as follows:
October 4, 2016
Elihu M. Harris Building
1515 Clay Street, Auditorium
Oakland, CA 94612
October 5, 2016
12:30 P.M.
San Diego Housing Commission
1122 Broadway, Conference Room 426
San Diego, CA 92101
October 6, 2016
Ronald Regan State Building
300 South Spring Street, Auditorium
Los Angeles, CA 90013
October 7, 2016
Employment Development Department
722 Capitol Mall, Auditorium
Sacramento, CA 95814