The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) released its draft 2017 QAP including a redline version. Comments should be sent to [email protected]. The following is a non-exhaustive list of some of the proposed changes:

  • Prevailing Wage Requirements Added:
    • Applicants would be required to include in their proposal summaries whether Davis-Bacon Wage Rates or State Prevailing Wages apply to the development.
  • AFFH Marketing Plan
    • Clarifies that applications must include an Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan, using a form provided by OHFA (OHFA Form PC-E45). Applicants who own property with project based Sec. 8, HUD Sec. 236, or USDA contracts could submit their current and approved Fair Housing Marketing Plan to satisfy the requirement.
  • Equity Pricing Review Considerations Added
    • If equity prices are significantly above or below the pool average without sufficient explanation as to why, OHFA would reserve the right to underwrite to the pool equity pricing average
  • Basis Boost Policy Amended to be available for:
    • New Family Developments in High Opportunity Census Tracts
    • Permanent Supportive Housing Pool developments earning 25pts for Continuum of Care Priority
    • Developments in Single Family Infill Development pool located in areas experiencing moderate, high, or very high rates of positive change.
    • Would remove any categories eligible for basis boost in the past not listed above
  • Set-Asides
    • Family Housing: increased for high opportunity areas
    • Family Housing: set-aside added for non-QCTs
  • Family and Senior Pools Adjusted
    • Includes Family pool funding target increase from $4M to $5M
  • Substantial Rehabilitation Defined
    • Generally, improvements must either involve replacement of the majority of two or more major building components (structural, electrical, plumbing, or HVAC) or improvements must be $20,000 or greater per unit ($15,000 for 4% credits).
  • Net New Stable Job Growth Priority Eliminated (inability to obtain census tract level data)