Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing (OCCH) Training Academy will be providing a one-day Basic LIHTC Compliance training on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, at Liberty Green, 500 E Jefferson Street, Louisville, Kentucky, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ET. The training targets property management companies that are responsible for maintaining compliance with the LIHTC Program. The cost of the training is free, but the cost for lunch is $10. Early registration is encouraged due to limited space. The training will cover:

  • The value of the credit.
  • Qualifying households.
  • Unit and project requirements.
  • On-going compliance requirements.
  • Monitoring compliance.
  • 8823-Report of non-compliance.

For more information, please see the event flier. You may also contact OCCH’s Lynn Logan at 614-224-8446 or email [email protected].