Michigan expects an allocation of $3,522,622 from the National Housing Trust Fund for the upcoming year and has drafted an allocation plan and amended its Action Plan to reflect such.

The draft allocation plan has outlined selection criteria to include:

  • Priority based on geographic diversity
  • Applicant’s ability to obligate HTF funds
  • Applicant’s ability to undertake eligible activities in a timely manner
  • The extent to which the project has Federal, State, or local project-based rental assistance
  • Duration of units’ affordability period
  • Extent to which non-federal funding sources are used

As of now, the only specific amendments laid out in the Action Plan are that the NHTF will be used state-wide, towards new construction and rehabilitation of multifamily housing, and serving the needs of low to moderate income households. The plan also notes an expectation that 20 units will be constructed/rehabbed with the current funding.


A public hearing is scheduled for June 28, 2016 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm at the Lansing Office with a simultaneous videoconference offered in Detroit:

  • Lansing: MSHDA Lansing Office, 735 E. Michigan Avenue
  • Detroit Video Conference: MSHDA Detroit Office, 3028 W Grand Blvd #4-600

The public comment period is currently open, and written comments are due no later than July 11, 2016. Comments should be sent to:

Tonya Young, Consolidated Plan Coordinator
735 E. Michigan
PO Box 30044
Lansing, Michigan 48909

or sent by e-mail to the [email protected].