The Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Historic Rehabilitation Awards honor outstanding achievement in the rehabilitation of developments by recognizing development teams for excellence in the creative use of the historic tax credit (HTC). The nomination round ends June 10.
To be eligible for the 2016 awards round, historic rehabilitation projects will have been financed at least in part with historic tax credits, placed in service in 2015 or by May 1, 2016, and:
- had a meaningful and major impact on their community;
- demonstrated financial innovation; or
- overcame significant obstacles in their development.
Award Categories
Developments may be nominated in one of the categories listed below and may be a development with which the nominating entity was involved or simply one deemed deserving. A nominating entity may nominate more than one development, and/or one development in more than one category.
- Historic Development that Best Exemplifies Major Community Impact
- Historic Development that Overcame Significant Obstacles
- Historic Development that Best Demonstrates Financial Innovation
Nomination Criteria
Historic Rehabilitation Award nominations will be judged on the following criteria.
Has this development:
- Had a meaningful impact on its community?
- Distinguished itself in a unique manner?
- Served as a major catalyst for further community development?
- Responded to community need(s)?
- Established measurable benefits and success in meeting that/those needs?
- Employed the effective use of community resources?
- Formed effective community partnerships?
- Achieved its objectives?
- Instituted the use of innovative strategies in bringing benefits to its community?
- Demonstrated benefits that outweigh costs?
- Set up successful strategies that can be repeated?
A panel of judges with wide-ranging expertise in the historic tax credit industry will review all entries and judge the developments based on the criteria listed above and will determine for which category each nomination is best suited.
Nomination Requirements
All nominations must include a completed nomination form, narrative statement, supplemental materials (minimum of three), and hand signed multimedia agreement.
The narrative statement should be no more than 1,000 words and should describe how the development meets the criteria listed above.
At least three supplemental materials (i.e., photos, renderings, architectural plans, marketing information sheets) should also be submitted to document the development’s qualities. Submitted photographs, renderings and other image files must be at least 300 dpi+ and at 7.5 x 8.5 inches or larger.
A multimedia agreement must be completed. Only one form is needed for each nomination; please list each supplemental material on the form.
Click here to submit a nomination.