The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority sent out a reminder that Housing Tax Credit Contribution Applications are due February 1, 2016. All applications must be submitted through SharePoint no later than 4:00pm that day.

To request a SharePoint website for the HTCC round, if you have not already done so, please send an email to [email protected], per the instructions on the CHFA and DOH websites. As a reminder, it may take up to 3 days for a SharePoint site to be created.

If you have already received a funding commitment from CHFA and/or DOH and your approved commitment did not include HTCC funds, you must contact CHFA and/or DOH before your February 1st application submission.  Please contact Nick Lundgren at [email protected] if you previously received DOH funding.  Please contact Cyndi Guest at [email protected] if you previously received CHFA funding or have any questions about the HTCC program.