The 2016 Housing Tax Credit Application was updated on December 2, 2015 to change how an Applicant elects points for QAP Section 6.3.3 – Projects that have Federal Project-Based Rental Assistance, HUD-VASH Voucher Assistance or Local Project-Based (PHA) Voucher Assistance.

The 2016 9% Online Application Training Guide has been updated to include guidance on this change. The Final Q&A has been corrected to provide further clarification on QAP Section 6.3.3 and QAP Sections

Both updated documents are posted on the 2016 Housing Tax Credit Program page.

Please note:

  • The increase in Eligible Basis for Serving Lower AMIs in QAP Sections and is available to an Applicant that elects points under QAP Section 6.1.1. However, an Applicant that elects points under QAP Section 6.3.3 is not eligible to elect points under QAP Section 6.1.1.
  • An Applicant may choose not to elect points under QAP Section 6.3.3 and still have Project-Based Rental Assistance.
  • An Applicant with a Project that has Project-Based Rental Assistance that chooses NOT to elect scoring points under QAP Section 6.3.3 may elect points under QAP Sections 6.1.1 and/or 6.1.2 (as applicable) and may then qualify for an increase in Eligible Basis if all other requirements for the increase in basis have been met.

Each Applicant that has Project Based Rental Assistance that had scoring points listed in the Application prior to 12-2-15 will be required to go back into the Application and select the Project-Based Rental Assistance check box under Other Elections in order to elect the points due to this change.

The 2016 Housing Tax Credit Application was updated on December 2, 2015 to change how an Applicant elects points for QAP Section 6.3.3 – Projects that have Federal Project-Based Rental Assistance, HUD-VASH Voucher Assistance or Local Project-Based (PHA) Voucher Assistance.

The 2016 9% Online Application Training Guide has been updated to include guidance on this change. The Final Q&A has been corrected to provide further clarification on QAP Section 6.3.3 and QAP Sections

Both updated documents are posted on the 2016 Housing Tax Credit Program page.

Please note:

  • The increase in Eligible Basis for Serving Lower AMIs in QAP Sections and is available to an Applicant that elects points under QAP Section 6.1.1. However, an Applicant that elects points under QAP Section 6.3.3 is not eligible to elect points under QAP Section 6.1.1.
  • An Applicant may choose not to elect points under QAP Section 6.3.3 and still have Project-Based Rental Assistance.
  • An Applicant with a Project that has Project-Based Rental Assistance that chooses NOT to elect scoring points under QAP Section 6.3.3 may elect points under QAP Sections 6.1.1 and/or 6.1.2 (as applicable) and may then qualify for an increase in Eligible Basis if all other requirements for the increase in basis have been met.

Each Applicant that has Project Based Rental Assistance that had scoring points listed in the Application prior to 12-2-15 will be required to go back into the Application and select the Project-Based Rental Assistance check box under Other Elections in order to elect the points due to this change.