After a national search, the board of directors of Preservation Action announced it has retained Russ Carnahan and Debra Carnahan to lead the national non-profit advocacy group that focuses on strengthening historic preservation programs in Washington and around the country.
Congressman Carnahan represented the St. Louis, Missouri region in the U.S. House of Representatives and held several leadership positions including the Chairmanship of the bi-partisan Historic Preservation Caucus and the High Performance Building Caucus that focused on strategies that included use of green building technologies and policies for historic and new buildings. Previously as a state legislator, he was a champion of Missouri’s nationally known State Historic Tax Credit that has successfully spurred saving and restoring countless historic properties.
Judge Carnahan is a former state and federal prosecutor and a judge in St. Louis. Debra was one of the first judges in the country to preside over a Problem Property Court which enforced laws to maintain and restore properties and historic buildings. She served on the board of directors of the Landmarks historic preservation organization in St. Louis and brings a depth of experience and knowledge in organizing and advocacy before Congress.
Both are graduates of the University of Missouri School of Law and are principals in the firm Carnahan Global Consulting.