The second draft of the 2016-2017 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and a red-lined version are now available on the Ohio Housing Finance Agency website. OHFA partners are encouraged to respond to drafts of the QAP by attending upcoming public hearings and public forums and by providing written comments to [email protected].

The first draft of the 2015-2016 Housing Development Gap Financing Guidelines are now available on the OHFA website. The program guidelines will cover two years and also includes a new homeownership component. This OHFA program is funded by the Ohio Housing Trust Fund, and covers rental developments of 24 or fewer units, and homeownership developments of 4-10 units. Estimating funding levels are $2,000,000 and $1,000,000, respectively. OHFA welcomes and encourage your comments and questions. Please send them to Debbie Leasure at [email protected]. You may also call her at 614-995-4512. OHFA will accept comments until Monday, May 4th. The Final Draft will be presented to the Multifamily Committee for approval on May 13th and to the full Board on May 20th.

The OHFA Multifamily Lending Program is accepting loan requests. The maximum loan amount is $1 million and the sources of funding are OHFA resources and Recycled TCAP funds. Preference will be given to borrowers with considerable and successful experience with OHFA programs and that have sufficient staff capacity, substantial financial resources, and an excellent credit history. For more information, please review the 2015 Multifamily Lending Program Guidelines or contact Matt Wootton, Multifamily Lending Manager, at [email protected].