Ed Golding, a former senior adviser in U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Policy and Development of Research, replaced Biniam Gebre as head of the Federal Housing Administration. Golding will serve as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, which is a new position that slightly limits the powers of the FHA commissioner and does not require Senate confirmation.
Golding is a familiar presence for many in the industry and was a featured speaker at the NH&RA 2013 Fall Developers Forum, where he provided insight into the Obama Administration’s Housing Finance reform proposals. “Ed brings a great deal of practical and transactional experience to his experience to the position and we are excited to continue working with him in his new role at the Department,” notes NH&RA Executive Director Thom Amdur.
HUD and the Obama Administration have not announced whether the President will formally nominate Golding to serve as FHA Commissioner and Assistant Secretary. Before joining HUD, Golding worked at Freddie Mac for 23 years and served as a visiting fellow at the Urban Institute.
Gebre will become a senior adviser to HUD Deputy Secretary Nani Coloretti, who was confirmed in December.