The National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Action, the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers and the Historic Tax Credit Coalition are again sponsoring a national sign on letter to demonstrate support for the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) and influence discussions now underway in the Senate to revise the US Tax Code.
NH&RA encourages our members to add your business or organization name to this letter. E-mail Carl Wolf and Michael Phillips and submit your organization’s name to be added to the list of signers. The deadline for signing-on is close of business on April 13, 2015.
On January 15th, new Finance Committee Chairman, Orrin Hatch (R-UT), announced the formation of 5 separate Tax Reform Working Groups. These working groups will analyze various sections of the tax code – similar to what former House Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) did at the beginning of the 113th Congress. Each of the 5 groups will review current law in its designated issue area, and then identify research and compile feedback related to the topic of the working group. The Finance Committee announced in March that it would be gathering public comments on tax reform through April 15th. The Historic tax credit will be reviewed by the Community Development working group chaired by Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) and co-chaired by Senator Bennet (D-CO). The Working Groups will wrap up their deliberations and submit reports to the Chairman in May. In the last exercise of this kind, the Ways and Means Committee reported out a bill that eliminated the HTC.
National Trust for Historic Preservation, and National Trust Community Investment Corporation are inviting both the historic property developers and historic preservation advocates to Washington, DC to take part in Capitol Hill meetings in May, June and July. The HTC Campaign has helped schedule hundreds of congressional meetings for supporters of the HTC, and this spring and summer we will continue to create opportunities for constituents to educate Congressional tax staff of the value of the HTC.
Congressional recesses are another ideal time to meet with Members of Congress. Upcoming Congressional recesses are scheduled for the week of Memorial Day, the week of July 4th and most of the month of August. Beyond meetings, site visits are a great way to show the HTC in action, with all of its economic, community, and historic preservation benefits. The HTC Campaign can provide assistance and materials for an In-District/State meeting or assistance in inviting members of Congress to a site visit. There have already been successful site visits and meetings this year and the campaign is looking to expand these events during the Congressional recesses.