Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development announced applications for the 2015 Competitive Funding Round for LIHTCs and Rental Housing Funds are due by Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 5:00 PM.  Applications must be delivered to the mailroom on the ground floor of 7800 Harkins Road, New Carrollton, Maryland 20706.   Additional information about the 2015 Round and the Pre-Information Session will be provided in a subsequent HDP Notice following the end of the 2015 Maryland General Assembly Session.

Schedule for Adoption of 2015 Maryland Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and Multifamily Rental Financing Program Guide (Guide)

Week of April 27, 2015

Issue Draft QAP and Guide for Public Comment and publish Notice of Public Hearing

Week of May 18, 2015

Conduct Internal Revenue Code (IRC) mandated public hearing for 2015 QAP.

May 25-May 28, 2015

DHCD to review comments and finalize documents.

Week of June 8, 2015

Final QAP and Guide sent to the Governor for signature & documents posted to DHCD website.

Week of June 22, 2015

Executed 2015 QAP and Guide posted to DHCD website.