The deadline for the 2015 Housing Tax Credit Proposal Applications was Friday, February 20. Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) received a total of 103 applications. Project proposal summaries submitted by applicants have been posted to the OHFA website.

OHFA staff will begin scheduling site visits for 2015 Housing Tax Credit Program applicants during the week of Monday, March 2. Visits scheduled for the week of March 2 or March 9 will be contacted by phone to confirm availability. All others will be informed of the dates of their site visits via email to the project contact(s) listed in the AHFA.

A draft of the 2016-2017 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) will be released on Wednesday, March 4 and made available on the OHFA website. Comments on the first draft of the QAP will be accepted through Thursday, April 30 and can be submitted to [email protected].

A draft of the 2015 Tax Exempt Multifamily Bond Guidelines has been posted to the OHFA website for public review and comment. Written comments will be accepted until Friday, March 20 and may be directed to Myia Batie at [email protected].

Applicants seeking 4 percent housing credits, with or without OHFA-issued bonds, must contact OHFA 45 days prior to submitting an application to schedule a meeting with Agency staff.  With the next deadline of April 6-9 approaching, partners are encouraged to contact Karen Banyai at [email protected].