A new online resource will provide housing industry participants practical information on building and improving housing that serves broader community needs, such as public health, economic development, and education. How Housing Matters is a product of collaboration between the Urban Land Institute and John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
How Housing Matters offers access to research and news that emphasizes the connection between housing and better educational opportunities and outcomes for children; stronger foundations for family and community economic stability; and healthier, more productive individuals and neighborhoods. The portal (www.howhousingmatters.org), which is being managed by the ULI Terwilliger Center for Housing, is designed to serve as a user gateway, integrating policy papers, reports, and current news articles, as well as original stories that compellingly illustrate research and data, inform collaboration, and inspire action.
In 2014, the MacArthur Foundation selected the ULI Terwilliger Center for Housing to create and curate the new online portal to serve as the central source for the growing body of research on how housing matters to other pivotal drivers of individual and community success. The portal is both a clearinghouse for continuing research and a platform for engaging practitioners, policymakers, and researchers across a range of fields committed to using evidence and interdisciplinary approaches to create higher quality housing and improved outcomes. The editorial advisory board for the website includes nationally renowned experts in education, health, aging, asset building, economics and housing.