R4 Capital, a national affordable housing tax-credit syndicator and asset manager, raised $447 million and closed on $386 million of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) equity in 2014. This marks the second consecutive year R4 Capital has doubled its volume from the previous year. Equity was raised through a combination of multi-investor and proprietary LIHTC funds. The firm currently manages five multi-investor funds and four proprietary funds.
R4 Capital added 32 properties to its portfolio in 2014, bringing the firm’s total number of properties to 98 in 26 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Northern Mariana Islands. R4 Capital also added 11 new investors in 2014, growing its investor roster to 28. R4 Capital also has grown internally. The firm added six industry veterans to its professional staff in 2014, bringing its total number of investment executives to 23 in its Boston, Newport Beach, and New York offices.