Buildings Challenge (BBC) participants are now able to take advantage of the following new HUD resources to help better meet their energy commitments.

Quarterly Calls
HUD will begin hosting quarterly check-in calls to cover program updates, resources available, recognition opportunities, energy data, and other items. This will be a way to keep up-to-date on energy-related work and for participants to take full advantage of the Better Buildings Challenge program.

Other Resources Available

Technical Assistance
HUD is offering direct Technical Assistance (“TA”) for Better Buildings Challenge Multifamily Partners. This TA could be used for diagnostic assessments; design, specifications, and construction review; green operations and maintenance; financing; portfolio planning; or other areas to help meet energy efficiency goals. Those interested should fill out the request here. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Office of Multifamily Housing
The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs is developing policy incentives to help address market and policy barriers in the energy and water efficiency sector. Three of these six incentives are now available for Multifamily Partners receiving certain HUD subsidies. More information can be found in the attached memorandums or by attending the 7/24 webinar (see below).

  1. Management Fee Incentive: Access to Add-on Fees for eligible energy and water efficiency activities.
  2. Reserve for Replacement Incentive: Expedited approval for energy and water efficiency capital improvements.
  3. Mark to Market Incentive: Incentive Performance Fee increase for meeting specific energy and water efficiency requirements.

Office of Public and Indian Housing
The Office of Public and Indian Housing is committed to 45 day reviews of Energy Performance Contract applications submitted by Public Housing Authorities participating in the Better Buildings Challenge. Anyone who submits an EPC application to HUD should notify Kevin Bush at [email protected].

Upcoming Webinars

Pathways to Meeting Your Energy Data Commitment
Thursday, July 30, 2014 at 2:00 pm EDT
During this webinar, the Better Buildings Challenge team will outline several different approaches to meeting the whole-building energy data commitment. HUD will also highlight several industry best practices and resources available. RSVP here.

Office of Multifamily Incentives
Thursday, July 24, 2014 at 2:00 pm EDT
Last month, HUD hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the Management Fee Add-On Incentive. This was the first of six incentives that HUD expects to offer to Multifamily Partners. This month, HUD staff will outline two new incentives: the Reserve for Replacement Incentive and the Mark-to-Market Incentive. RSVP here.

Portfolio Manager Training
EPA is offering two Portfolio Manager trainings this month. Find out more at

­Portfolio Manager 101
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 at 1:00 pm EDT
Get started using EPA’s Portfolio Manager tool. The presenters will introduce and demonstrate the core functionality of the Portfolio Manager tool, including how to enter properties, enter energy and water data, share data with others, and generate performance reports.

­Portfolio Manager 201
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 1:00 pm EDT
Take a deeper dive into the more advanced functionalities of Portfolio Manager such as managing changes in property uses over time, using spreadsheet templates to quickly upload data, setting goals, and creating custom reports.

Showcase Projects and Implementation Models
BBC participants are also encouraged to continue to work with Amy Ross and David Ruggiero to develop case studies to highlight the work of BBC participants.

Click here to read the Expedited Reserve for Replacement Account Releases to Support Energy and Water Savings Notice.

Click here to read the Mark to Market Incentive Performance Fee Increase Notice

Click here to read the Allowable Management Add-On Fees Notice