February 12, 2013
Contact: Thom Amdur
National Housing & Rehabilitation Association

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WASHINGTON, DC –  National Housing & Rehabilitation Association (“NH&RA”) will convene its first Preservation Through Energy Efficiency Road Show (“Road Show”) on April 3 at the Hub Cira Centre in downtown Philadelphia, PA.  This Road Show is the kick-off event for a major national educational initiative that provides owners of multifamily affordable rental properties with resources, training, and technical assistance to aid in improving the utility performance of their portfolios. NH&RA’s Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing (“CEFAH”) developed the Preservation Through Energy Efficiency Initiative (“PTEE”) with support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

The April 3 Road Show in Philadelphia is co-sponsored by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (“PHFA”). “Energy efficiency measures are key tools to sustaining the long-term financial sustainability of our nation’s affordable rental housing portfolio,” says NH&RA Executive Director Thom Amdur. “This event will provide developers and owners with the tools and resources they need to initiate cost-effective energy and water efficiency improvements across their portfolios.  Our goal is to provide owners with actionable models, funding tools and a network of experienced service providers so that they can initiate changes in how they assess, finance and operate their portfolios.”

“The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency is definitely a champion for energy efficiency in the multifamily developments we fund,” said PHFA Development Director Holly Glauser. “We’ve seen firsthand how energy related enhancements in these developments help lower their operating expenses which will, in turn, ensure their long term affordability. Our agency is a supporter of the Preservation Through Energy Efficiency conference series because it offers practical ideas and information sharing that should benefit all of us who work in multifamily housing.”

This results-oriented educational program will emphasize solutions for properties financed using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s rental assistance programs, or the US Department of Agriculture’s Rural Housing Service programs.  Critical components will include assessment of individual property needs, financing tools, navigation of regulatory barriers, resident education, and operations and maintenance.  The PTEE project is designed specifically for senior executives of private development companies, entrepreneurial non-profits, and public housing authorities.

The faculty includes some of the most sophisticated developers and owners of affordable rental housing with extensive retrofit experience including Darien Crimmin, Vice President of Energy and Sustainability of WinnDevelopment, Michael Bodaken, President of the National Housing Trust, Steve Bodkin, Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer of National Church Residences.  Speakers from key public agencies, utilities, financial intermediaries and technical assistance providers will also be featured including the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, PSE&G, Philadelphia Gas Works, iCast, The Reinvestment Fund, Enterprise Community Partners, Minol USA, Sparhawk Group and others.

Participants at the Road Show will also gain full access to the Initiative’s online Knowledge Exchange – a collaborative online work space where participants can share experiences, network, and gain technical experience or research the initiatives extensive resource library of case-studies, white papers and funding resources.

“We could not have done this without the generous support of the MacArthur Foundation, whose vision always seems to be a step ahead of usual thinking, and the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, which was instrumental in the development of the curriculum.  PHFA serves as a national model for innovative affordable housing retrofit and energy efficiency policy,” continues Amdur.  “We are grateful to these partnerships for their generous support.”

Additional regional forums will be hosted in Atlanta, Denver, Indianapolis and Minneapolis.  NH&RA is in the process of developing the program with the help of an expert Advisory Board and intends to convene the first of five forums on April 3, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA.

NH&RA continues to solicit sponsors, partners and subject matter experts for the forthcoming series.  Interested parties should contact Thom Amdur at 202-939-1753 or tamdur@housingonline.com.

You can learn more about the Preservation Through Energy Efficiency Initiative at www.housingonline.com.

About National Housing & Rehabilitation Association (“NH&RA”)
Formed in 1971, NH&RA is a national trade association comprised of some of the most active developers, owners and professionals involved in the development, ownership, finance and structuring of multifamily affordable rental housing.  The association places a strong emphasis on informational exchange with an emphasis on actionable transaction-oriented information and analysis.  You can learn more about NH&RA at www.housingonline.com.

About The Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing (“CEFAH”)
The Council for Energy Friendly Affordable Housing is a working group of some of the most active owners, managers and consultants of affordable housing.  NH&RA launched CEFAH as a means to achieve policy changes to affordable housing programs that will facilitate owners’ abilities to retrofit and upgrade properties to achieve a higher degree of energy efficiency and utility cost savings.
