UPATE (January 15, 2014):
Colorado Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) released the 2014 Final QAP.
Some notable changes include:
- The amount of annual credit available for 2014 is $12 million including up to $1.25 million for the Denver Housing Authority set-aside.
- Non Colorado-based non-profits are eligible to receive non-profit points.
- The Guiding Principles have been added to the QAP:
- Projects serving Homeless Persons
- Projects serving persons with special needs
- Projects in Counties with populations of less than 175,000
- Projects in Counties impacted by a natural disaster
A webinar highlighting the major changes to the 2014 Allocation Plan and Application will be presented by CHFA Tax Credit Allocation staff on Wednesday, January 22, beginning at 1:00pm and will last about an hour. Please email Paula Harrison at pharrison@chfainfo.com for more information.
Dates and Deadlines:
Letter of Intent Deadline | Application Deadline | |
Round 1 | February 3, 2014 | March 3, 2014 |
Round 2 | June 2, 2014 | July 1, 2014 |
Please click here for more information
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) has released the 2nd Draft 2014 Colorado QAP. A total of $10.75 million will be available during two competitive funding rounds.
Some Notable Changes Include:
- South Lincoln Homes, a Denver Housing Authority project using Hope VI funds, is currently in its fourth year of the five-year set-aside period. There will be no other set-asides for 2014.
- Revisions have been the Enterprise Green Communities section based off feedback from the Colorado development community. Some of these changes include: new options to meeting the Building Performance Standards, updates to the requirements of water-conserving fixtures, and clarifications to the ‘Walkable Neighborhoods” language. (please review page 77-78 of the draft QAP for the full list of changes).
- Updates to the language of “Special Needs Tenants” to include persons with mobility impairments or disabilities, victims of domestic violence, persons with alcohol or other drug addiction. Additionally, requiring housing for “Special Needs Tenants” to include proper supportive services.
Dates and Deadlines:
Letter of Intent Deadline | Application Deadline | |
Round 1 | February 3, 2014 | March 3, 2014 |
Round 2 | June 2, 2014 | July 1, 2014 |
For more information please click here.