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The NH&RA Advocacy Archive was created to provide a one-stop-shop for NH&RA members who are interested in advocating to elected officials to support key affordable housing and tax credit programs. We have collected a variety of documents, reports, templates and best practices that should be helpful in this effort. Please note this is a work in progress–check back often as we add additional resources. If you have resources that you believe would be helpful for other members please feel free to email them to Thom Amdur at [email protected] and we’ll post them. 

Recently added items include:
·  Housing Credit Presentation (Rental Housing A.C.T.I.O.N.) Added 4/12/13
·  Housing Credit Testimonials — Video (Rental Housing A.C.T.I.O.N.) Added 4/12/13
·  ACTION Campaign "Statement For The Record" to the Real Estate Tax Reform Working Group (Rental Housing A.C.T.I.O.N.) Added 4/12/13
·  LIHTC Op-Ed Template (Rental Housing A.C.T.I.O.N.) Added 4/12/13
·  LIHTC Letter to the Editor Template (Rental Housing A.C.T.I.O.N.) Added 4/12/13

Click here to learn more or visit http://www.housingonline.com/resources/advocacy/