HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan recently sent a letter to the Senate Committee on Appropriations Chari Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) about the effects sequestration could have on the families, individuals and communities that rely on HUD programs. According to the Secretary, these impending across-the-board cuts would:
- Cause 125,000 individuals and families, including elderly and disabled individuals to lose benefits from the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program;
- Remove 100,000 formerly homeless people, including veterans, from current housing and emergency shelter programs;
- Force Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to defer routine maintenance and capital repairs;
- Prevent 7,300 fewer low-income households from receiving permanent and short-term supportive housing assistance through the Housing for Persons with AIDs (HOPWA) program;
- Prevent state and local communities that receive HOME grants from rebuilding and/or rehabilitating 2,100 affordable units for low-income families and individuals
- Result in significant cuts to community development funding that provide necessary public services, facilities, and infrastructure improvements.
Click here to read the full letter.