At a recent meeting with economic development, real estate and design professionals and other stakeholders, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar asked the National Park Service (NPS) to conduct an internal review of the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program to ensure that the program is achieving its intended goals. More specifically Salazar ordered a review of rules governing the use of historic preservation tax credits in order to make the credits easier to use in urban communities and to strengthen partnerships with local communities and State Historic Preservation Offices. The review will also look at ways NPS can better promote the program to broaden the public’s understanding of its benefits and eligibility requirements. Secretary Salazar was accompanied by Senator Carl Levin, Federal Housing Administration Commissioner Carol Galante, Michigan State Historic Preservation Officer Brian Conway, and Michigan State Housing Development Authority Director Scott Woosley.
NH&RA is currently working with the Historic Tax Credit Coalition and the Preservation Action Foundation to promote National Preservation Advocacy Day, which is being held February 25 in Washington, DC, where we will also present the 2012 J. Timothy Anderson Awards for Excellence in Historic Rehabilitation.
Click here to read the press release.