The Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development (MDHCD) released a notice to provide a status update on the revision process for its 2013 Qualified Allocation Plan and Guide.  MDHCD hired TDA Consulting to oversee the revision process and to collect public comments. MDHCD initially anticipated releasing a draft version of the revised QAP and Guide in early October 2012 and a final version to be available in late November 2012. After receiving extensive public comments, MDHCD has postponed the release of the draft documents to January 2013. They plan to hold a public meeting shortly after its release to collect additional public comments. A second draft version will be available to the public in February 2013, with an additional public hearing to follow. MDHCD hopes to have a final version of the 2013 QAP and Guide in place in March 2013 and to maintain a late summer/ early fall 2013 competitive funding round.

MDHCD will continue to announce updates and deadlines by email and on their website.

For updates on the QAP revision process and Maryland’s LIHTC program, please click here.