The Colorado Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) has released a draft of its 2013 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). The draft highlights CHFA’s selection priorities for the 2013 allocation cycle. These include: acquisition and rehabilitation of current affordable properties; projects for communities with populations less than 175,000; properties that provide supportive services for homeless individuals; development in areas of high demand for affordable housing; properties that serve special needs individuals; housing for seniors; and development on transit oriented sites.

CHFA will hold two competitive application rounds with the following application deadlines:

  • Round 1:

    • Letter of Intent: due February 1, 2013
    • Final Application: due March 1, 2013

  • Round 2:

    • Letter of Intent: due July 1, 2013
    • Final Application: due August 2, 2013

CHFA has maintained their application and allocation processes. For more information and to read the 2013 QAP draft, please click here.

Comments on the draft may be submitted to Tasha Weaver at [email protected] or 303-297-7429.