The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (MDHCD) has released a proposed schedule for the revision of Maryland’s Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and Guide for CY 2013. MDHCD has hired TDA Consulting to lead this revision process and conduct the public meetings. TDA has scheduled two public listening sessions and two webinars in August and September to solicit input for the revisions. The public listening sessions will be held August 24, 2012 and September 14, 2012 from 10:00am- 1:00pm at MDHCD’s offices, 100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD. The webinars will be given online on September 7, 2012 and September 21, 2012. In addition to the public meetings, TDA will be interviewing a variety of stakeholders and reviewing QAPs from other states to design new and improved QAP and Guide.

For more information about the upcoming listening sessions and webinars, including meeting agendas and registration instructions, please click here.

TDA has also drafted a schedule for the 2013 QAP and Guide revision process. Below is the proposed schedule:

  1. Draft Revised QAP and Guide released to Public- Week of October 8th
  2. Public Meeting on Revised Draft- Week of October 15th. Notice of the specific time and date will be posted on the DHCD website.
  3. Public Comment Period– Weeks of Oct. 8th through Oct. 29th, 2012. For 14 day after the public meeting, the consultant will accept comments on the draft documents.
  4. Final Draft  of QAP and Guide to Public- Week of November 26th
  5. Public Hearing Week of December 10th. At least 14 days after publication of the final Draft and published Notice of meeting in accordance with IRC requirements.

For questions on the revision process, please contact TDA’s project manager, Mary Paumen at [email protected].