The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) is seeking public comment and holding a series of roundtables to gather input from affordable housing stakeholders so TDHCA may develop a competitive application to HUD for the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Demonstration Program. If awarded Section 811 PRA Demo funds, TDHCA will develop an application process for affordable housing owners to access project based housing funds for extremely low-income persons with disabilities requiring long-term services. The roundtables will include discussion on the following:

  • Pilot Project. What factors should be considered when determining the locations of a Section 811 PRA Demo pilot project?
  • Existing Units/Pipeline Units. What are the advantages and disadvantages of layering the Section 811 PRA Demo funds onto existing units or pipeline units?
  • Outreach. What is the best way to let qualified tenants know that these units are available? What is the best way to encourage affordable housing owners to apply to TDHCA for the Section 811 PRA Demo rental assistance?
  • Targeting. Which groups should become the Section 811 PRA Demo target populations?

Public comments are due June 29, 2012 by 5:00pm and should be directed to Kate Moore by mail at Kate Moore, TDHCA, P.O. Box 13941, Austin, TX 78711-3941 or email at [email protected].

Click here to read more about the Section 811 PRA Demo program and view TDHCA roundtable schedule.