The Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) and the Virginia Department of Community Development (DHCD) are considering submitting an application for federal project-based rent subsidy funding under the Section 811 Demo program. Virginia is hoping that this program will provide an additional tool for addressing its commitment to increase community-based services and housing for people with disabilities under a pending settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice pursuant to the Supreme Court’s Olmstead Decision. In order to have a viable application, VHDA and DHCD must be assured that there is sufficient interest on the part of existing LIHTC property owners and/or developers of new LIHTC properties to participate, and that LIHTC investors are comfortable with HUD’s terms and conditions. Stakeholders are asked to review a summary of the Section 811 Demo program and provide written comments to Jim Chandler at VHDA, 601 S. Belvidere Street, Richmond, VA 23220 or no later than Friday June 15th. Questions should also be directed to Jim Chandler at (804) 343-5786.

Click here to learn more about the Section 811 Demo program.