HUD recently released Notice PIH 2012-24 to provide guidance to Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) in determining the rent to owner for an HCV tenancy when the participant family chooses to lease a unit under the HCV program in any of the following types of federally subsidized projects:

  • An insured or non-insured Section 236 project
  • A Section 202 project
  • A Section 221(d)(3) below market interest rate (BMIR) project; or
  • A Section 515 project of USDA’s Rural Development Program

When a family leases a unit under the HCV program in any of the aforementioned projects, the rent to owner must equal the rent set by the respective subsidy programs and be reasonable in comparison to rent for other unassisted units, as determined by the HCV administering agency. Inquiries about this Notice should be directed to staff in the Housing Voucher Management and Operations Division, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs at (202) 708-0477.

Click here to read Notice PIH 2012-24.