Shaun Donovan, Secretary of HUD, and Carol Galante, the Acting FHA Commissioner of HUD, recently issued a memo urging owners of HUD-assisted properties to develop policies and procedures that allow ex-offenders to reunite with families that currently reside at their properties. The agency cites research that shows that ex-offenders who do not find stable housing in a community are more likely to recidivate than those who do, yet people returning to their communities from prison often face significant barriers to obtaining housing. That being said, HUD asks that owners seek a balance between welcoming ex-offenders to their properties and ensuring the safety of all residents of its programs. When screening family behavior and suitability for tenancy, owners may consider all relevant information, including factors that indicate reasonable probability of favorable future conduct; for example, evidence of rehabilitation and evidence of the applicant family’s participation in or willingness to participate in social services such as counseling programs. HUD stresses that discretion is afforded to each owner.